Dave Lange

Side Projects

Some side projects, experiments, and other random things.


A web app for writing markdown notes, built with SvelteKit and Supabase. The notes are then encrypted with a user defined key, and stored on Supabase.

User authentication is pretty simple - you log in with just a username and key.

Visually, it’s inspired by Obsidian and VSCode. You can toggle the note view between “Edit”, “Split”, and “Preview”, and organise your notes in folders.


This was the hackathon project that we at finiam built for ETHAmsterdam in April 2022, that was selected as one of the 13 finalists. It’s a playable NFT that can run an instance of a game of Tetris. How do we do this? The asset the Detris NFT is retrieving is actually our implementation of the game of Tetris, stored on IPFS. We can then display this asset using an iframe. And since OpenSea supports iframes too, we can actually play Tetris on OpenSea.


A threeJS scene build with react-three-fiber. I wanted to experiment with the idea of a bunch of objects just floating around, that snap to a given position based on user interaction.

It’s got some custom easing on the movement, and controls to switch color scheme and easing function.


A HTML Canvas game, built with SvelteKit. It’s a basic side scroller, with language challenges thrown in when you crash.